Feb 5, 2009

Moving On

Joy I'm another year older. Okay its not that good. Guess I do get money for my birthday but its just telling me I'm losing my youth ><. Well been feeling like this for awhile now and doesn't help that I teach kids a decade younger than me. So to feel better I wore my i don't wanna grow up T-shirt. I'm not that fickle but what, can't I wear what I want? Anyways had lunch to celebrate my birthday so that was okay. Got lots of messages wishing me a happy birthday so thanks to everyone who gave a cheer.

Government makes me feel even older. Every time they support a cause for youths which could have been great if only I was just younger it makes me feel older. Received a letter from government on how 'my children' can save money on anything they need for school. Just a few years before I was getting how I could be saving money. Bah I've been feeling old for awhile now so I guess its nothing new. Anyways that's the only rambling I'm going to do today.

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