Feb 17, 2009


Got a haircut yesterday. Sounds pretty boring XD. It's just that it's my first of the year. Don't remember a haircut being so painful. Even thought they washed my hair beforehand, the comb didn't run through my hair properly and pulled out hair :S. Also the way I wanted it be cut didn't come out the way I liked it. Guess it got lost in translation. That's what I get for going to a Honkie place. My hair did end up pretty Honkie too. Box Hill's becoming quite the place for haircuts. Was walking down Whitehorse Road and noticed two more haircut places that just opened up. Just on Box Hill Whitehorse Road stretch there's now five haircut places. There's also Good Morning in the back road. There's two down Main Street which are in cahoots because if they have two many customers they take them to the other one. There's one in Whitehorse Centro. There's two in Box Hill Centro. So yeah that's a lot of places. I guess it's got its good point seeing how the usual place I get my haircut cut its prices. So in the end I win :D.

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