Jan 15, 2009


Fine I'm posting something even though I played some games. I got a night full of Dota and Gear of War 2 for a lengthy period this afternoon. So I guess it's because I do have something to blog about even if you think it's crap thing to post about.

Currently I'm going through the last phase of my shedding (hopefully my last) and it's a bitch. Like I know I shouldn't scratch it but it so wants to be scratched. It's like calling out to me and come on I'm not crazy, it's probably just like chickenpox. So I scratched. And then I peel it. And then several seconds later it stings. Oh well. But after all that there's still more to scratch and peel. So a few minutes later my rooms filled with skin flakes (which is a bit gross). Such a mess to clean up and because I'm still peeling a bit I thought I'd give my blog a run through while I take a break. However all this sort of reminds me of how cats shed hair everywhere they go ... actually dogs do that too ... oh well I thought of cat first.

So meow XD.

2 remarks:

ibukisan said...

shit man im not playing at your house for while

PsychPeter said...

Ima goin to vacuum once i stop sheddin XD